No Stress Moments course

Do you want to experience less stress?

Are you tired of running in the rat race and feel empty and frustrated because there is to much to do? Are you thinking when the alarm clock is bleeping “I hope this days goes quickly” and at the same time feel completely drained by the thought of what there is on your to do list? Are you frustrated with your full agenda and the time pressure that you feel in your daily life? And do you get “on edge” with work emails that triggers your emotions? Do you feel like you have a knot in your stomach from the stress that you are experiencing on a daily basis?

Yes? Had enough? Isn’t it time to step into your power again instead of letting life flash before your eyes?

Are you ready to do something about it? To know about what triggers you and how you can deal with these fears, anxieties and insecurities?

Then let’s get to work because I made the No Stress Moments Challenge especially for women who are ready to say not to this life in the treadmill of the rat race. A 6 day practical course with tips & tricks for self discovery about the stress factors in your life.

Learn to reduce stress in your daily life

Learning about the situations that trigger your stress response will help you gather the tools you need to say no to stress. With a combination of mindset work, stress reducing exercises and Human Design we dive into the root causes of the stress factors in your life. We also learn about what stress is and how it manifest in your body in the long run. If you are able to stop the cycle of stress your health and the quality of your life will improve drastically. And in the process you will get insights and tools to learn to embrace your own unique self. #Selflove!

Stress reduction
Human Design Centers

Mindset meets Human Design

Human Design is a personal development tool that is also called the science of differentiation. We are all unique beings with unique experiences and  qualities. Human Design is a mechanic system that gives words to why you can feel a certain way. It’s about learning to listen to what your body has to say. Because our senses pick up a lot of information in the interaction with others around us. It’s about learning and recognizing your natural way of behaving. So you can let go of the masks and start living your life on your terms versus do what is expected from you by others. 

What kind of stories are you telling yourself?

What are you thinking? What are you thinking when there is a stress trigger? What stories are you telling yourself? And is that the truth? Or is that only your reality? If a friend experienced the same situation and you listen to what she is telling you. What advice do you give her? Are you milder? Are you more forgiving? Are you more kind and understanding? And if you can be it for her, why are you so harsh for yourself when it comes to your thoughts and life?

Can you learn to calm your inner critic?  Yes you can. I speak from experience that that is one of the biggest game changers of my life when it comes to stress. Manage your mind and manage your energy. It really is the key to unlock your happiness and joy!

Stress reduction
No stress Moments Course (in Dutch)

Say no to stress

Why did I create the course about stress reduction? Because I want to challenge you to call out your own (untrue) thoughts. To be real about what gives you anxiety. To know where those feelings and thoughts come from. And to give you a practical first step in the process of reducing your stress levels and embark you on a road of self discovery. Everything in this course is geared towards giving your insights in a practical and fast manner.  The price of the course is €23,- but act as if you paid €2.300,- for this course. Because can you really put a price on the feeling of experiencing less stress? This course could be a life changer. 

What can you expect?

In this self paced online course we dive into:
  • Breathwork and why and how your breathing can help you reduce your stress levels.  

  • Money Mindset and how your relationship and thoughts about money are impacting how you are feeling.

  • Mental stress and how you can learn to manage the critical voice in your head.

  • Emotional stress and how do you work with emotions. Are they even yours or are you amplifying other people’s emotions?

  • Time pressure & the pressure to do. 

  • Rest and sleep and how it can allow you to better function and be more productive during the day. 

    What do you receive?

    • Six modules with video’s with a practical explanation about the module and the exercises.
    • A course workbook with lots of practical information, exercise reflections, affirmations and journal prompts.
    • Six emails with information and stories about the topic of the module.
    • Access to the material for a year.
    • You will also get the opportunity to download the material and store it on your laptop.
    What do you need to invest time wise?
    • 20 minutes per day, per module.
    • You can follow the “e-mail pace” with one module per day, or do the course in your own pace. 
    • You can repeat the exercises of course after the mail sequence and take as much time as you want with it. 

      Self paced online course

      • 6 Modules
      • Practical exercises
      • Course workbook

      The price is a no brainer!

      Investments in yourself are always the best return on investment. If it sparks you into action to change a habit you can change your life!

      Why is the price so low for all the value you bring to the table?” a friend asked me. Well, I wanted to make this a no brainer. I want to help as many people that I can and offer this knowledge to whomever that have a need for it. The price should not be a barrier to take this chance to reduce your stress level.

      I mean, what is there to lose right? For the price of a lunch you can get perhaps an insight about yourself that can have an impact for the rest of your life. 

      And that is why I created this entry level course to talk to you about personal development subjects in a very practical manner. As a Business and Human Design Coach you can always dive deeper into your Human Design, but it starts with planting a small seed in your thoughts that there is another way to deal with stress.  

      So, may I invite you to take part in this first round of this newly created course?

      Are you up for the No Stress Moments Challenge?

      About me

      Why did I call my Human Design coaching business Palmtree Moments?

      For me a “palmtree moment” is a metaphor for an urge to make a change in your life, realizing a day dream vision of an escape from your busy daily routine and golden cage. It is about creating a mentally healthy and stress free life where you are aligned with yourself and you have the tools and the guts to follow your dreams. Or just enjoy the “here and now” and be thankful for the beautiful environment your are in and the opportunities you have.

      Dreaming about your “palmtree moments” is the first spark on a journey of transformation and personal growth!

      It is my aim to help you empower yourself to make your “palmtree moments” a reality!

      Have a lovely day, Astrid

      "Reduce stress in your daily life!"


      "I had a great experience with Astrid and the personal Human Design coaching session, which provided a perspective on some aspects of my life and a better understanding of myself, my work habits and me as an individual in a broader context. I am now more aware of my actions, strengths and weaknesses, and asking the right questions to myself and others. I have a better picture of who I want to be when "I grow up" and how to get there. Thank you, Astrid. "